Просмотр полной версии : Accepted OK 6 cycles. In it month after 1 tablet has been compelled or forced to throw...

06.06.2004, 09:14
Accepted OK 6 cycles. In it month after 1 tablet has been compelled or forced to throw (iz-for reception of antibiotics). In 4 days " without tablets " there was a constant gravity, rez and a pain at the left below. 3 days feeling such as at the overflown intestine (with it or this that's all right), gravity, a dull ache and rez when I strain muscles. Has woken up also hour 2 pain not a constant, and as though fights at night could not fall asleep iz-for acute pains at the left. What is it can be? Because has thrown OK, and ovaries have weaned to work or what? (pregnancy is excluded, in this cycle of sex was not)

Soboleva L.I.
07.06.2004, 20:02
Dear Lana! Probably, that the reason in functioning an ovary, but will be better, if you will make US and address to the gynecologist internally.