Просмотр полной версии : Dear Svetlana Rostislavovna! Prompt, please. We live in Finland...

04.06.2004, 05:09
Dear Svetlana Rostislavovna! Prompt, please. We live in Finland. At the wife pregnancy of 7 weeks. One week ago have begun small bloody allocation from a vagina (spoils). Have made US, the doctor has told or said, that all in norm or rate. Then they have passed or have taken place, and now have again begun. Whether it is normal? There were pains on the right, but not strong. To address to Finns or pork measlies any more we do not want: at them psychology, that if the abortion should occur or happen, he will occur or happen also anything they cannot make and will not be. Advise, please. Thanks!

Oshchepkova S.R.
05.06.2004, 16:11
It is necessary to accept but - shpu up to 8 tab. In day, Valeriana, over with a papaverine in a rectum, full sexual and mental rest, Acidum folicum on 0, 001 4 times day, vitamin E on 1 kaps. In day. The control of US through 3 - 4 weeks. Take rectal temperature - she should be above 37, 0 during all pregnancy, its or her depression speaks about a possible or probable abortion. Krovjanistye allocation in such term sometimes happen are connected with for expected men - tsii then they do not represent no trouble. If allocation repeat, such allocation speak about a disadvantage of hormones of an organism. It is desirable to hand over hormones on Prolactinum (especially if is allocation from mammary glands), Progesteronum and Testosteron-Depotum. Depending on results of analyses in treatment add one of hormones.

06.06.2004, 12:48
Thanks. Prolactinum checked one year ago - was raised or increased. By the way, on US heart beat was visible.

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.06.2004, 07:35
It is good that there is a palpitation of a fetus - pregnancy proceeds. To references of the colleague I shall add - exclude infections (a clamidiosis, virusnyei tp) and as small bloody allocation can be iz-for presentations of a chorion.