Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me 23 years, practically always the cycle monthly was holes...

06.06.2004, 16:40
Hello the doctor!
To me 23 years, practically always the cycle monthly was normal, but before New year there was a greater or big delay, approximately 1.5 months. After that the doctor has told or said, that most likely dysfunction of ovaries occurs or happens because of stress. Since that moment I drink the first 2 ned.-folic kisl., and 2 ned. Vitamin E in the form of butter or oil of germs of wheat. Since that moment as was zderzhka, monthly again do not come in time, but there is a tendency to restoration of a cycle, last delay was 2 ned. But the most important, that excites me, that monthly very viscous, sometimes with clots, but pains special are not present and I transfer or carry it's OK, a breast nabuhaet, but practically does not hurt as it was earlier, hardly has touched also a pain... Prompt please, that you think in occasion of my problem. Thanks in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.06.2004, 20:02
I believe, that gradually all to be restored, but it is possible and necessary to make anliz bloods on Prolactinum and androgens.

07.06.2004, 06:57
Whether I can make the analysis on Prolactinum and androgens in a usual out-patient department? Or, maybe, you will prompt where I am able to do it, to tell the truth at all I do not know what is this the analysis, excuse for incompetence.