Просмотр полной версии : Skazhte, the Doctor, whether it is possible to drink nonalcoholic beer during pregnancy? Not...

04.06.2004, 09:59
Skazhte, the Doctor, whether it is possible to drink nonalcoholic beer during pregnancy? In spite of the fact that it "nonalcoholic" in itself contains from 0, 1 % up to 0, 5 % of alcohol.

05.06.2004, 20:10
Natalia, voobshche-that "nonalcoholic" is obliged to not contain some alcohol. Whence you have taken such information? In yogurt too speak 3 % of alcohol! I drink nonalcoholic wine and beer, and I do not feel some any alcohol!

07.06.2004, 05:27
Alcohol in nonalcoholic beer all taki contains. It is written on a bottle. I allow it or him to myself of once a week. And after sorts or labors it or him even advise to drink for augmentation of quantity or amount of milk.