Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Prompt, to us practically 15 weeks - obstetric term (without about...

04.06.2004, 17:56
Good afternoon! Prompt, to us practically 15 weeks - obstetric term (without one day) - tomorrow birthday:))
Read, that from 16 weeks it will be possible to feel shevelenija the kid. Prompt, with what sravnimy these sensations? And more voprosik - from 16 weeks of obstetric term or it is age of the kid? It would not be desirable to pass or miss such significant event. In advance thanks.

06.06.2004, 06:04
At me the kid has begun moves from 15 16 weeks (on US), and on obstetric almost 17. Kto-Someone speaks, that is similar to blisters or blebs, but I at once had obvious jerks. Still depends from komplektsii: hudenkie start to feel earlier and more distinctly or clearly.

06.06.2004, 19:19
At the first pregnancy shevelenie begins later. Can even after 20 ned. (as at me). As has written JUljana depends also from komplektsii mummies. And from that, it is how much comfortable to your kid in a tummy. At me at shevelenii the sensation is framed, that he there somersaults through a head.