Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 25 years. Three years I accept tri-regol. All arranges me...

05.06.2004, 04:57
Hello! To me of 25 years. Three years I accept tri-regol. All arranges me. From by-effects - only the bursted capillaries on legs or foots, but it is predisposition of my organism, it is simple tri-regol has strengthened process. A question here in what: whether it is necessary to do or make breaks in reception OK? Whether there are preparations which it is better tri-regola (the price at it or him very doubtful: one of the cheapest). Why such difference in the price with others OK. In what difference of more dear or expensive preparations (only the smaller maintenance or contents of hormones? And as it influences an organism). Whether it is necessary to change it or him for another OK? In advance thanks for the answer.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.06.2004, 16:39
Sm archive in Contraception - At diseases