Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! What can you tell or say about spiralke "Mirena"? Whether she Can...

06.06.2004, 02:45
The dear doctor! What can you tell or say about spiralke "Mirena"? Whether she Can help or assist at a recurring hyperplasia endometrija in the age of 49 years? Thanks.

06.06.2004, 08:36
Dear Tatyana! "Mirena" is the endometrial spiral containing a hormone levonorgestrel. One of indications for statement of data of Naval Forces is hyperplastic process endometrija. Expediency of use of the given method it is concrete at you the attending physician can solve only.

m. n. The doctor of the first category akusher-gynecologist Vybornova Irina Anatolevna.