Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me 2 questions: 1) I have become pregnant on March, 8th. The last mes-...

Irina, 29 years
05.06.2004, 03:26
Hello. At me 2 questions:
1) I have become pregnant on March, 8th. The last mes-e on February, 22nd. How much at me weeks?
2) whether It is necessary to treat bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz if is not present vydeleny? From what term it is better to treat? And, if to not treat, what there can be consequences?

05.06.2004, 10:44
I can respond only on 1 yj a question. It is possible to come on mama. ru, there there is a calendar of pregnancy, defines or determines term on last monthly, is by the way exact enough (at least doctors to me nashchitali too most).

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.06.2004, 02:30
For today of 15 weeks.
Yes it is necessary to sanify a vagina before sorts or labors on 34 36 week, at attributes of a hypoxia of a fetus and tp - earlier. At absence of treatment - postnatal or puerperal complications, a becoming infected of a fetus.