Просмотр полной версии : Whether peredaetsja herpes sexual by? And from what he pojavljaetsja??? Thanks z...

04.06.2004, 06:28
Whether peredaetsja herpes sexual by? And from what he pojavljaetsja??? Thanks for the answer!!

The anonym
05.06.2004, 00:31
How much or As far as I know herpes the floor by is passed, it is an infection which is in a blood, that delat-to go to the doctor and to be treated, the more quickly the better

05.06.2004, 17:38
The herpes basically are curable (at least are translated in long remission). If there will be no exacerbation of herpes during pregnancy give birth or travail if there will be exacerbations - better cesarean section.
, Treatment of genital herpes a difficult problem or task. For today there are no comprehensible ways to remove a virus from an organism for ever. But dobisja it is possible for long remission. It is possible to make exacerbations very rare or infrequent. Medicines are dear or expensive enough. Courses of therapy should be repeated periodically. Exacerbations occur or happen on a background immunodefitsitnyh statuses more often. A virus of herpes having got in an organism once persestiruet in itself it is constant. Infitsirovannost a virus of herpes in Moscow of 95 98 %. So, if you had episodes of an exacerbation, the infection at you is on 100 %. Treatment complex or difficult.
More particularly look or see on www. herpes. ru and konfa venerolog-questions and otvety-Herpes
And is better go to the doctor to the gynecologist or the venereologist only he can appoint or nominate medicines (doctor)

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.06.2004, 20:23
The herpes are passed sexual by from what it is shown - from weak immunity.