Просмотр полной версии : Advise, that it is possible to make in a following situation. After treatment Tiberalo...

03.06.2004, 02:52
Advise, that it is possible to make in a following situation. After treatment Tiberalom and local treatment makmirorom.... At me mucous brightly red color. The smear does not show a thrush. I understand, that the microflora but as it or her to restore is broken or disturbed. I tried to restore laktobakterinom (to advice or council of the doctor), but it has not changed anything, except for appeared it is even more razdrazhenijai than an itch. Advise how to enter the given situation. At me soon there comes my young man. And I very much perezhiva. In advance thanks

Malanova T.B.
05.06.2004, 14:53
In absentia anything I can not advise.