Просмотр полной версии : I wish to warn! It was treated in the Center of endocrinology (on Academic) at Hhh...

03.06.2004, 03:16
I wish to warn! It was treated in the Center of endocrinology (on Academic) at Hhhh I. and Phhh in occasion of a polycystosis of ovaries. 5 years drank hormones without any control. These unusable doctors have made even worse. Remember them and never come across to such. It would be necessary to bring an action, yes to be engaged these or it;this is no time also money is not present.

Rabaev S.G.
04.06.2004, 07:29
Incorrect remarks, often personal vppechatlenija do not coincide with the validity owing to incomplete representation of the patient about opportunities of modern medicine.

For Savelija Gavrilovicha
04.06.2004, 15:59
Actually the patient here at all and.
Even money in it or him you pay and all the same it is not close or attentive.
I then simply young was did not understand much, anything on medicine did not read. But as it is possible to treat hormones and to not supervise. And in general to appoint or nominate hormones only having taken analysis LG, FSG and Prolactinum, and the rest that is not counted? It not professionalism.
And Phhh in general nearly has not raped on an armchair. Well as to such to concern?

Rabaev S.G.
05.06.2004, 06:36
In the majority a case, and not only in Russia, so-called empirical treatment is applied, that is on the certain in advance developed or produced algorithm for the concrete diagnosis without detailed elaboration of data about disease and in some cases it is justified. Certainly, the situation described by you is extremely unpleasant, as doctors have been simply obliged to explain All of you nuances of treatment. It once again speaks about necessity and patient to penetrate into a situation.