Просмотр полной версии : Devchyonki! Help or assist advice or council! To us 11 nedelek. The husband yesterday "has picked up" any...

02.06.2004, 23:58
Devchyonki! Help or assist advice or council! To us 11 nedelek. The husband yesterday "has picked up" any virus-temperature 38,
The throat hurts. Very much I am afraid will catch, has hardly saved pregnancy. To not leave to me from it or him to parents. What to me to do or make? Thanks!

03.06.2004, 15:45
Easy! Grease to itself a nose oksalinovoj with ointment. Buy or purchase aflubin. Drink its or his itself and necessarily force to drink the husband. Still to the husband give Remantadinum. Itself eat lemons directly with a peel and without Saccharum. To the husband or sazyvaj a throat ljugolem, or sprinkle Geksoral. Well and certainly zharoponizhajushchie-our Aspirinum of 2 tablets to dissolve in water to have supper, for the night to drink and wrap up the husband, that propotel. Through pair a three of days will be as ogurchiki.
Success. Protect the child

04.06.2004, 23:37
Olga! Thanks you huge! Fair slovo-has calmed. And that both of us we are afraid, he even to approach or suit to me does not want. But this will not affect or influence Aflubin the kid?