Просмотр полной версии : I wrote on August, 14th, but the doctor has not responded, and advice or council Russian vra is necessary to me...

03.06.2004, 16:21
I wrote on August, 14th, but the doctor has not responded, and advice or council of the Russian doctor, t is necessary to me. To. Being in J.Koree for me not so easier or simply to make it.
Last monthly were with a delay for 10 days and unusually not plentiful. Then within three weeks pereodicheskie plentiful bleedings, a blood scarlet with clots. Between bleedings - scarlet allocation. Temperatures are not present. The breast is increased within three weeks. Sensation of a nausea. To the doctor did not address. What is it can be?
I ask to respond doctors.

Maljarskaja M.M.
04.06.2004, 23:28
To you have responded perfectly. It is impossible to exclude pregnancy, run to the doctor. On first aid or as there in Korea it is possible. Suspicion on threat of an abortion or itself prerynaie.