Просмотр полной версии : I send the report in 2 times. And I can not receive the answer. Otvette to a sting...

29.05.2004, 22:58
I send the report in 2 times. And I can not receive the answer. Otvette please. It is very necessary.
Whether it is possible to do or make abortion if there is a cyst (paravarialnaja) the left ovary. Whether I can become pregnant after abortion

The anonym
01.06.2004, 20:47
Know Victoria at me same problemma and doctors to me strictly strictly have forbidden to do or make obort and now I not sozheleju for 3 months
And after abortion to me have told or said that very big risk more never to become pregnant. So this your huge happiness that you are pregnant.

Tanja and Masik
03.06.2004, 00:47
Vick, try to ask this question in "Gynecologist", the expert there responds (though its or her answers have not helped or assisted me never, too gloomy forecasts puts!!! And as a result as it is found out later, all by way of.) and in this konfe doctors are not present. Success to you!

03.06.2004, 14:14
What for abortion... To kill dite only because to you it is difficult! Do not take a sin on soul!