Просмотр полной версии : At me very frequent retsedivy herpes. Almost never prhodjat. Please...

02.06.2004, 08:04
At me very frequent retsedivy herpes. Almost never prhodjat. Please, tell, how the genital herpes are treated.

Shapovalova L.M., the pharmacologist, lms@fromru.c
03.06.2004, 08:39
Hello, Lera. For treatment of herpes of a rash It is possible to process antiviral ointments, i/or butter or oil of a tea tree, except for it or this it is necessary for you to make active or activate immune system: immunostimuljatory, laktobakterii, suppositories with an interferon and then the herpes will pass in an inactive phase - and with it or this live long years.