Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I on 8 week of pregnancy, but have a nodal fibromyoma of a body...

30.05.2004, 15:43
I on 8 week of pregnancy, but have a nodal fibromyoma of a body of the womb. On 4 oh to week the size 7, 9* 6, 5* 6, 7 see the Uterus was in a tonus. On 6 oh to week already 8, 2* 7, 0* 7, 5 see Structure or Frame of the site non-uniform (the diagnosis has been put for the first time in November, 2002 then the size was 42 mm).
All this time received: no-shpa 1* 3, askarutin 1* 3, folic k-that 1* 3, an extract of Valeriana 1* 3, vit E 1* 1, utrozhestan 1 it is peroral and 1 for the night intravaginalno (there were bad hormonal smears), injections v/m of a papaverine 2 within 5 days in the morning. The uterus has begun razviratsja in the opposite party or side from a fibromyoma. But recently pains have become frequent. Doctors to me them at once remove or take out a dropper with no-shpoj or injections v/m no-shpy. Pains tjanushche-nojuchie in the left bottom part of a stomach or belly (in the opposite party or side from f/myomas), but are not so morbid. At pains it is appointed or nominated buskopan. Whether there can be it a clump of gas in a thick intestine (pains appear in 11 12 one o'clock in the afternoon)? If it so as with these or it;this to struggle? The chair happens ch/day.
Analyses of urine and blood in norm or rate. Under analyses of threat is not present.
Abortion has been offered (but not treating), has refused, t. To. There is a polycystosis of the right ovary, and also abortion took place.
What my chances of the safe sanction from pregnancy? Also I ask to give your references. Whether Sogdasny you with purposes or appointments of my doctor?
With respect, Evgenie

Malanova T.B.
03.06.2004, 06:17
1. References in absentia I do not give. 2. The sizes of the site can increase or be enlarged due to an edema. Instead of body height of the site. 3. Inform normally.