Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To you I shall be very grateful, if you pomozhite to understand to me si...

01.06.2004, 19:02
To you I shall be very grateful, if you
pomozhite to understand to me a situation and to plan the actions. To me 31 year. On March, 9th I was
It is operated in occasion of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. Pregnancy was desired, it would be desirable to give birth
gde-nibud in a year of the second child (the daughter 4 years) Have removed the left pipe. After hospital
Has come to the local gynecologist. Has handed over the analysis - a positive take on mikoplasma hominis,
ureaplazma urealytikum and gardnerella vaginalis. The doctor appoints or nominates rulid, makmiror, viferon, dimeksin, terzhinan within 10 days, then dalatsin 7 days. First two preparations has registered also to the husband. polaziv on interenetu, I have begun to doubt in expediency of the course appointed or nominated to her. The price of treatment - nearby 3, 5 thousand roubles confuses also. Whether really application stolkih preparations is necessary? And how you think, whether enough the given treatment for prevention of a repeated extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis? That it is necessary for me to make what to lower risk?
Yours faithfully, Nastja.

Malanova T.B.
02.06.2004, 03:44
Nastja, the question is put precisely and correctly. Prior to the beginning of treatment if you do not have complaints, in other place repeat analyses. It in fact PTSR-diagnostics, in which many FALSE POSITIVE RESULTS. The bacterial vaginosis is a result of antibacterial therapy after operation, he is treated dalatsinom, and it is better KLIONOM-D mestno. All rest - should be checked up once again. And here after operation carrying out of a physiotherapy for prophylaxis of adherent or adhesive process in a small basin is necessary for you!!!. All kind!

02.06.2004, 08:28
Many thanks for the answer.
I think, the analysis exact. At me allocation corresponding or meeting, pains weak quite often happen...
And it will be not so difficult to you to recommend something concrete of fizio to therapy? And I do not understand that, when me wish to cure, when for a tick meroprija tie to spend, and when money it is more to earn, appointing or nominating unnecessary procedures. The local doctor has not appointed or nominated anything from a physiotherapy so it is necessary to search for any ways. It would be desirable to spend a minimum or anyway not a maximum:-))
Once again, big to you thanks.

03.06.2004, 05:52
Dear Tatyana Borisovna!
In me the desire to come to you on consultation and, probably "ripens", to pass or take place a necessary course of a physiotherapy in your establishment.
You could not inform me, even approximately, in what sum it can manage to me. I moskvichka, the policy am:-))
My emili@omen. ru address