Просмотр полной версии : I send you the question 2 oh time. Respond, please! Has passed or Has taken place treatment about...

02.06.2004, 15:30
I send you the question 2 oh time. Respond, please! Has passed or Has taken place treatment for a ureaplasma 2 times, t. To. After first time there was a sexual certificate or act with the partner which was not treated together with me though too it was necessary to him. Still the strong boring, an itch has begun with August at me, allocation white, but completely not strong. It proceeds and to this day. After second time I have recovered, 2 times have handed over the analysis on ureaplazmu-negatively. Then me have removed condylomas. And the itch and has remained. Still any illness or disease what is it? Can? On what here there can be suspicions? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
02.06.2004, 22:02
I would recommend to exclude a herpes or a candidiasis because these two diseases enough often cause a strong itch