Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Approximately after sorts or labors (has already passed or has already taken place 3, 5 years) me nacha...

02.06.2004, 17:33
Hello, the doctor! Approximately after sorts or labors (has already passed or has already taken place 3, 5 years) the itch has started to excruciate me. Especially strong he becomes before, during and right after a menses (the itch by the night amplifies, the sexual certificate or act reduces an itch, and the soda solution reduces too). Has handed over many different analyses (standard what take from all in female consultation + a mycoplasma, a herpes, chlamydias, uroplazma, gardnerela, gitomegalovirus, kandida and papiloma a virus) - - nothing is revealed. Saccharum in norm or rate. I already think, what is it something hormonal. Genekolog-the endocrinologist nothing can define or determine (wishes to write out to me contraceptive hormonal tablets - but unless this treatment?!). What to me to undertake (what analyses still to hand over, to itself to address, what is it can be)?

02.06.2004, 20:20
By the way, contraceptive tablets is too a method of treatment