Просмотр полной версии : I heard, what there is a test for an ovulation? Whether so it? If yes, when and...

30.05.2004, 08:43
I heard, what there is a test for an ovulation? Whether so it? If yes, when and how it or him to use?

30.05.2004, 15:53
I not the doctor, but itself use the test for an ovulation of firm ClearPlan. As it or him to use, it is very well described in a paper enclosed in a rectangular approach traffic pattern. But basically: 17 days prior to predpologaemogo the beginnings of a menses to start to test a morning portion of urine (it is possible on 5 sec. Easier or simply to substitute under a jet). In 3 10 minutes in a window there will be one or two strias depending on that, sufficient concentration LH or not. After two strias have appeared, in this cycle to test more is not necessary, two strias mean, that within the next 24 36 hours there will be an ovulation. In a rectangular approach traffic pattern of 5 tests, usually on a cycle should suffice.

31.05.2004, 16:01
JUlja, thanks. Tell or say, please, and he freely is on sale in drugstores or only in specialized clinics? I searched on poiskovikam, have not found, where he is on sale, into the drugstore came, they about such did not hear.

Pasenjuk A.M.
02.06.2004, 05:38
Yes, there is such test, it " Kliar the plan ". JUlja it is remarkable has described it or him. In drugstores he is (in particular in a drugstore on New Arbate, 7, on Nikolskoj, on Potter's quay.