Просмотр полной версии : Hello, from me in 19 weeks have taken the analysis on AFP. He has shown 56, 51/...

Olga of 26 years
31.05.2004, 22:30
Hello, from me in 19 weeks have taken the analysis on AFP. He has shown 56, 51/ml, and norm or rate up to 10. What is it means, I very much voznujus. It is the second pregnancy, at first such analysis did not hand over.

Mum of 2 children
01.06.2004, 18:43
Do not pay attention. I recently have given birth to the second and the doctor has in detail explained to me, that this analysis absolutely neinformativen and that at high AFP are born absolutely normal detki, and at normal can be anything you like... So this analysis - one continuous mistake or error. Look infu in the Internet, there it is a lot of about it or this wrote. To give birth zdorovenkuju ljalku take care and be not nervous.