Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Pregnancy of 14 15 weeks. About one month have appeared back are white...

29.05.2004, 03:10
Hello. Pregnancy of 14 15 weeks. About one month have appeared white mucous allocation plentiful enough back. Pains, an itch are not present. Whether it is normal. And the second. After sex the uterus is very strongly reduced and does or is not relax or relaxed. If with an orgasm that releases or lets off minutes through 10, and if without that in 1 2 hours. Whether it influences the child. The last pregnancy was too most but on more poznih terms (after 25 weeks). Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
01.06.2004, 18:01
At presence vydeleny it is necessary to hand over smears. If there are no pains at rising a tonus of a uterus anything dnlat it is not necessary.