Просмотр полной версии : I write to you to third time why you ignore my question? Whether you awake on...

01.06.2004, 12:57
I write to you to third time why you ignore my question? Whether you awake on it or him to respond? At me pregnancy 15 - 16 weeks. I laid in hospital, to me have diagnosed: a decidual polyp of the cervical channel. Have told or said, that a blood, probably, was iz-for it or him. On US of threat of an abortion was not. Whether this polyp is dangerous? Whether can iz-for it or him in the further be complications?

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.06.2004, 18:01
Basically while the polyp is not dangerous, but can cause bloody vydelenijv current of pregnancy. As can bytprichinoj vesical drift after pregnancy (if it is a decidual polyp)