Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, that such vacuum and how it or him do or make? And what risk bespl...

31.05.2004, 09:23
Tell or Say, please, that such vacuum and how it or him do or make? And what risk of sterility or barrenness after it or him?

01.06.2004, 11:03
Vakuum-it is the same mini-abortion. By means of the special apparatus suck away or pump out a fetal egg from a cavity of the uterus. This operation of 10 15 minutes lasts, but you will depart from a narcosis more longly. Risk of sterility or barrenness as well as after usual abortion of 50/50 %. Even most it is qualitative and skilfully made abortion does not give a guarantee, that the woman can bear and give birth or take out and give birth to the healthy child then.