Просмотр полной версии : To me have written out suppositories Geksikon. But at me it is impossible to enter them. I enter or import them on...

29.05.2004, 20:38
To me have written out suppositories Geksikon. But at me it is impossible to enter them. I enter or import them for full length, and further such sensation, that friction does not allow them to pass or take place further, and is sick. Neither costing or standing, nor laying it is impossible. As a result they appear gde-that absolutely close from an input or entrance. It and should be or I incorrectly do or make something?
Addition: I have more recently lost virginity, and pleva yet up to the extremity or end is broken off. Whether it can kak-to influence that? But before these suppositories I used others (ginopevaril, neo-penotran), and such problems were not.

31.05.2004, 06:02
And more: whether there Will be an advantage or a benefit of treatment, if a suppository not at most shejki, and " on road "? Than it is possible to grease it or her, that she passed or took place deep into is easier? Other candles very easily proskalzyvali, and these or it is in any way. Help or assist, please.

Malanova T.B.
01.06.2004, 10:47
Let the suppository will a little melt. To enter it is necessary one finger up to shejki uteruses.