Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor The situation has developed in such a manner that during reception...

27.05.2004, 16:50
Good afternoon, the doctor
The situation has developed in such a manner that during reception Logesta (without misses or passings of tablets) there has come or stepped pregnancy and during
Three months went monthly (as it was found out later, through a fetus). Presence of pregnancy was found out only on 15 week and
The majority of doctors converge that discontinuing by artificial sorts or labors therefore is necessary as well as on US there is an essential threat (visible developmental anomalies of a fetus are not present).
Please, tell please as pass or take place artificial labors, how long it is necessary is in
Hospital and as it is possible (physically and morally) to it or this to be prepared. Already now I feel disgustingly defective or incomplete...

With hope and respect,

Malanova T.B.
28.05.2004, 06:50
If pregnancy precisely corresponds or meets to term, there is no threat of discontinuing, what for it or her to interrupt? You on consultation at genetics were?? As discontinuings under medical indications are spent in terms not earlier than 22 weeks, in 18 20 weeks inspection on defects at a fetus is spent, make it or him. Probably, as indications that for discontinuing are not present.

01.06.2004, 05:41
1. As about pregnancy I have learned or have found out only on term of 15 weeks, it is difficult to tell or say real term last since time of conception.
2. I was on consultation at genetics in gos. To clinic. The doctor me at all not having listened has told or said, that under such indications on honey. They do not direct or refer discontinuing.
I shall add, that during this period I passed or took place intensive enough treatment serdechno-vascular (including a myocarditis) and neurologic diseases (concussion of an easy or a light;a mild degree). Besides I have transferred or carried serious enough ORVI.