Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 24 years. At me a polycystosis of ovaries since 15 years. I want spro...

31.05.2004, 10:58
Hello! To me 24 years. At me a polycystosis of ovaries since 15 years. Whether I wish to ask means it, that I am am threatened with sterility or barrenness. Monthly at me go every month, but not always to the day - the course varies from 28 till 31 32 days. Thanks.

01.06.2004, 03:15
Probably, that you cannot zaberemenit any more, but it does not mean, that you are fruitless!!! At me the same situation, but at menja-that monthly without tablets do not come at all! In such cases it is necessary to do or make laporaskopiju, and after operation only it will turn out to conceive. For now if you do not want still children to drink OK. But in your case can while anything and to do or make it will not be necessary, t. To. Monthly at you every month. But if at you the polycystosis I advise to be observed at good ginekologa-the endocrinologist what to not start this business! Success!