Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such question. After two sorts or labors Vagina, certainly, st...

29.05.2004, 14:08
Hello! At me such question. After two sorts or labors
The vagina, certainly, became more stretched or dragged more out. With the husband
We are fine, but he kak-that was not kept and has told or said, that it was better earlier, t. To. * * was
Narrower. CHto-something can be made, except for plasty,
Or * * already for ever? Thanks.

30.05.2004, 18:55
I me was the same problem. But I have borrowed or occupied in exercises on strengthening muscles. To be engaged in them it is possible anywhere, even at job. It is necessary to learn to operate or control internal muscles. To strain, as though to involve inside of a muscle of a fundament and a vagina and to detain for some seconds. And so some times. To repeat within day many times. The main thing to not be lazy. And in couple of months your husband pochustvuet a difference. I speaks, what even it became better, than up to sorts or labors. Success.

Oshchepkova S.R.
31.05.2004, 09:10
Anna of the right, 1 variant - gymnastics - exercises Kegelja; 2 variant - a plasty.