Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Has addressed to the doctor in occasion of an itch and vydelny (not krovjanistye...

29.05.2004, 19:24
Has addressed to the doctor in occasion of an itch and vydelny (not krovjanistye).
After survey the doctor has informed, that allocation it is valid nehroshie, erosion is observed
shejki uteruses, which at introduction of mirrors zakrovotochila, also that apparently at me old
Chronic inflammation.
Before morbid sensations I did not test, only is very rare at a menses, is not pregnant,
Did not give birth or Travail, abortions did not do or make, I apply Mersilon.
Uzi pathologies has not shown.
By results of PTSR potavlen the diagnosis a ureaplasmosis treatment, which first course also is appointed or nominated
1) for both partners: tsikloferon 2, 0 v/m in a day - 10 dn, TS-a complex 12 - 10,
binoklad 2502 - 10, sumamed 5001 - 3, biorifdin 12 - 10,
Essentsialija 12 - 10
2) mestno to me: kloritmazol in the morning - 10, betadin for the night - 10
mestno to the partner: hlorgeksidin h 2 - 10 20
3) only for me together with 1) and 2): diclofenac 3, 0 v/m - 5, magnesia of 25 % 5, 0 on novok. 05 % - 10 dn
diklopat sv in pr. An intestine - 10.
About the second course while anything exact it was not spoken.

It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion, especially about the appointed or nominated course of treatment, it is how much justified
Such quantity or amount of medicines, whether is fraught with any consequences for health.
Whether and also can PTSR show others vozbuditeteli (for example kandid and t. Item), t. To. Except for PTSR
Other analyses at me did not undertake.

In advance to you it is grateful, Natalia.

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.05.2004, 08:33
PTSR can show kandidu. Such cocktail is unjustified iz-that is obscure ka kreagirujut preparations with the friend the friend, but not I your doctor and to discuss treatment I do not undertake.

Natalia, 22
30.05.2004, 23:34
Hello, 4 years as I struggle with the same: a ureaplasmosis, gardnerelez, a mycoplasmosis. I hand over to the analysis, I am flied or treated, passes or takes place time and allocation, an itch start over again. I changed doctors, again handed over analyses, was treated also all uselessly. Can be in it or this, certainly, and my fault, probably, we with my partner did not recover.
I any more do not know, where to me to go, to what doctor that me have cured nakonets-that!!! And at me it cannot be cured? On me, - to mine, antibiotics do not operate or work... (after cold I often treat a genyantritis antibiotics, and so, they too on me not everyone operate or work, the organism already can at me has got used to them?).
In general, I already seriously experience iz-that 4 years, and shifts any!!! Whether there are such doctors who would guarantee result?
And more, I 2 years am not protected also any pregnancy was not present. There can be it iz-what at me these infections? (2 years ago has made abortion.)