Просмотр полной версии : Lovely ladies! Advise, please, where it is possible to find any clause or article about...

24.05.2004, 15:08
Lovely ladies! Advise, please, where it is possible to find any clause or article about how harmfully to be nervous during pregnancy. I wish to allow to esteem to the husband.

27.05.2004, 12:33
There is just suitable clause or article in " Liza-my child " for January. There in the extremity or end even there is advice or councils native and close how it is necessary to address from the pregnant woman. But here only husbands do not like, when to them hint at how they should concern to the wife (is pregnant she or not).

30.05.2004, 20:14
Tell or Say to him, that when you are nervous "string" which connects or binds you with the kid "is narrowed", the child does not receive sufficient kol-VA some oxygen, that very much influences development of a brain.