Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! prokomentirujte please result HGCH. On 13 den-...

27.05.2004, 02:04
Hello the doctor! prokomentirujte please result HGCH. On 13 den-38. podsadka was for the second day after a puncture 1 four and 1 three-cellular. Support to cancel or costs or stands perezdat a blood and what should be HGCH by then? Thanks

Kirsanov A.A.
30.05.2004, 19:27
At such digits HG there is a sense to continue sohranjashchuju therapy, in a week to make US. If pregnancy took place, then it will be already possible to see a fetal egg if net-that it is necessary to repeat the test. Further tactics will depend on the received results.
www. mcrm. ru