Просмотр полной версии : Girls, hello! And who drank ZHanin? Give please to me responses about it or this...

14.05.2004, 00:20
Girls, hello! And who drank ZHanin? Give please to me responses about this preparation. Share the sensations! In advance many thanks. Anna.

14.05.2004, 05:15
I too have asked the gynecologist about ZHanin, and she has told or said, that already some its or her patients zhalovalisna it or him, and nastojchiov recommended Regulon, novinet or Logest (to choose at will). Simply ZHanin now strongly advance, and he fashionable and dear or expensive.

The anonym
17.05.2004, 11:07
Lena. Thanks for the answer! Yes he like not road! And to me it or him has advised good the doctor... Strange... And which complaints were. Do not know?

19.05.2004, 10:33
The doctor has told or said, that complained in sonovnom of bleedings in the middle of a cycle, and that state of health in general bad - the head hurts, fatigability. And I earlier saw Diane-35. And now here has decided to change:)

The anonym
21.05.2004, 03:59
ahm... Well we shall look or see, I shall try it or him to have a drink all taki the doctor has recommended, to which I trust! And I on Diana's background (I it or her too earlier a saw) had strong dipressii, headaches sometimes. Basically cried and it was irritated. Here also has decided to change it or her for another OK:) at you such collateral was not?

24.05.2004, 18:19
Yes was at Diana everything, that you have described, but I kak-that have not connected it with tablets. The husband has finished that, job, simply nervous:)) And can and iz-for tablets all was. And about ZHanina - if the doctor has registered, certainly it is necessary for her to believe. Tablets in fact choose in view of any nuances, probably. It is better to her to know vse-taki:))

The anonym
25.05.2004, 00:56
Well we shall hope!:) and in general it to me for a while. Soon there is a new preparation is called "JArina", speak he very good! I shall drink it or him. And in general, if there will be a desire, write to me on meil: kapity@pike. pike. ru there all also we shall discuss:) thanks for answers!

26.05.2004, 00:03
And my address - melvas@rambler. ru.
And it so is necessary in your address - two times pike??

The anonym
27.05.2004, 11:07
Yes:) it at me vydelenka. Write!

30.05.2004, 06:25
Ok, to me to write easier, and I not so often in the Internet can longly sit that. Thanks for the company:)

30.05.2004, 11:20
I accept ZHanin a year two with superfluous. Impressions in general normal (considering, what is it vse-taki a medicine). Monthly became less plentiful, practically painless; the status of a skin has improved. By-effects (a pachemia, change of weight, irritability and so forth) appeared only as a result of long reception (more than 6 months), therefore I do or make breaks 2 3. In any case, consult on the doctor, t. To. To me zhanin appointed or nominated not so much as a contraceptive, how much as a medicine from hormonal disbalansa. Success!