Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Please, help or assist to understand my situation: after it is treated...

28.05.2004, 21:32
Hello! Please, help or assist to understand my situation: after treatment of inflammations and coccal flora the doctor has decided to stimulate an ovulation. During inspection the polycystic ovaries, raised or increased Prolactinum, a hypoplasia of a uterus have been found out, thus on basal temperature the ovulation was. Prolactinum at the first stage managed to be lowered mastodinonom, but already after the small termination or discontinuance of its or his reception he has again gone upwards. The first cycle of stimulation: klostilbegit with 5 for 9 day 2 tab., Microfollinum with 5 on 14 on 1 tab. Failure. The second cycle: klostilbegit with 5 for 9 day 2 tab., Microfollinum with 7 for 16 day 1 tab. And about 7 days Parlodelum on 0, 5 tab. 2 times a day, but up to 21 days of a cycle. For 15 day it has been made by US: endometry 8 mm, jamchniki in a status of stimulation, follicles raznora % E

Rabaev S.G.
29.05.2004, 15:45
Failures are quite natural. giperprolaktinemija, most likely, secondary, owing to a polycystosis. In your situation, on internal reception, it is possible to discuss a question both about conservative, and about sparing surgical treatment.

Rabaev S.G.
30.05.2004, 09:11
Failures are quite natural. giperprolaktinemija, most likely, secondary, owing to a polycystosis. In your situation, on internal reception, it is possible to discuss a question both about conservative, and about sparing surgical treatment.