Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 23 years, has addressed to the doctor in occasion of plentiful monthly (...

30.05.2004, 03:48
Hello! To me 23 years, has addressed to the doctor in occasion of plentiful monthly (other signs were not), have found out subserozno-an intersticial or interstitial myoma of 9 weeks (two sites, 84 mm and 35 mm). Did not give birth or travail, abortions were not. There was a stress half a year back and plentiful monthly have begun then. What prospects and methods of treatment of a myoma and a birth of children? Whether give birth or travail after embolization and in what cities Russian Federations it or her do or make (I live in Ekaterinburg)? Thanks, yours faithfully,

Malanova T.B.
30.05.2004, 06:28
Anna, is better to remove these sites, to begin hormonal therapy, then to leave on pregnancy. To embolization I concern very skeptically, considering your age and absence of children.