Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! The sister (23 years) about two years ago had the strongest about...

29.05.2004, 11:34
Good afternoon! The sister (23 years) about two years ago had the strongest exacerbation of a colitis, after etogo-suspicion on a myocarditis (has not proved to be true, but also it was not denied), also there was a suspicion on a pseudorheumatism of a knee (too has not proved to be true). Now constant problems with an intestine. Now she on 8 oh to week of pregnancy (abortions were not, pregnancy proceeds smoothly, the truth, instead of nabiranija weights the sister has grown thin on 500). Whether any observation of experts Is necessary for her and whether the listed diseases threaten her during sorts or labors and pregnancy with complications, and also whether there is no danger to the child? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
30.05.2004, 00:50
Diseases serious at it or her are not present. To watch or keep up, that there were no constipations. It is possible to descend or go on consultation to the gastroenterologist.