Просмотр полной версии : At me the question such, whether is at you experience of conducting pregnancy with onkobolnymi...

27.05.2004, 22:37
At me the question such, whether is at you experience of conducting pregnancy with onkobolnymi. Whether there are for this group of risk special prescriptions?

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.05.2004, 10:17
You have asked an abstract question. Looking what onkozabolevanie, prescriptions are those also. For example, tumours of ovaries and a hysteromyoma (good-quality) concern to onkozabolevaniem, at them there is a threat of an abortion and the attention is required at conducting this group of pregnant women. The malignant tumour demands an abortion. At leukoses and others zabolevaijah the blood as accepts an abortion under medical indications.

29.05.2004, 22:42
Thanks for attention and prompt reply, the Doctor! I write to you the diagnosis in the past - Cr. Bladder T2N0MOG2 Item 2; Kl. gr. 2 Sostojaniu after ROUND (1998). Pathomorphologic research: Perehodno-cellular cr. A bladder 2 items cellular anaplazii. It nearby 3 h years back. For this time without relapses and here she - long-awaited pregnancy. Pleasures are not present a limit, but constant stresses iz-for home life. Certainly, you not the psychiatrist to give advice or councils how to avoid stresses in home life, I and do not count on it. Can present itself as me of the doctor in female consultation are afraid, me even discuss at congress of doctors of our city. To me from it or this it is not easier, to tell the truth, for me very important to give birth to the healthy child and most to remain healthy, as is known another's problems are necessary to nobody, whether therefore I shall leave all subjective and very much I wish to know there is an experience of conducting pregnancy with such patients as I.
All kind,