Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me such question. Half a year (is more exact 6 menstr. tsiklo...

27.05.2004, 16:58
Hello the doctor! At me such question.
Half a year (is more exact 6 menstr. Cycles, beginning or starting
From the first menses after abortion) I have spent on drink
Diane-35 to destination the doctor.
Data for hyper-androgeniju were not.
But the clinical picture was always similar, and the doctor has appointed or nominated.
And in 5 months after the termination or ending of reception Diane-35
I handed over analyses on FSG, LG, Progesteronum, Oestradiolum,
DEA-SO4, Testosteron-Depotum, the Hydrocortisone, 4 over, Prolactinum.
All has appeared in norm or rate. Whether authentic it is result?
That is explain me, please, here that!
Normal result of analyses-
This influence of a preparation OR in 5 months
After the termination or ending of its or his reception he any more would not have
Such influence (and the result of analyses testifies
About own normal hormonal background)?
It very much disturbs me in connection with planned pregnancy.
If it is not complex or difficult, explain, please, whenever possible more in detail,
And the main thing - is more intelligible for the inhabitant!:)
I shall be very grateful for the answer. Thanks.

29.05.2004, 18:07
To Diana not only medical OK, but also a usual contraceptive, Through such term your hormones not zavisili from reception. If you wish to be protected and further, I recommend to continue reception of a preparation.