Просмотр полной версии : In 1999 in our family the daughter (the first child) was born. In 2 months to her was...

26.05.2004, 20:11
In 1999 in our family the daughter (the first child) was born. In 2 months the terrible diagnosis has been put to her: a hydrocephalus.
In 4 months to her have performed operation - shunting. Before operation the tomography which has shown has been made, that water in a brain acted about 1 2 months of a fetal fetation. Hence, the given operation has not brought any changes in development of ours dochenki (she did not develop at all: not mentally, not physically).
In the age of 2 h its or her years did not become...
I and the husband are still young also to us to have to reflect on children. But pavor of a birth of the second child with similar disease not pokidaetnashu family.
All period of pregnancy proceeded without complications. Was not any vosspolitelnyh, infectious diseases which as are approved or confirmed by doctors could cause the given illness. Were checked up to pregnancy on possible or probable infectious diseases - by nothing obnoruzheno.
The US during pregnancy did or made 4 times - any vnutriutrobnih defects it was not revealed.
Doctors have told or said, that genetically given disease is not passed.
But I knew, that at my grandmother the daughter has died in 8 mi monthly age of an edema.
Me interests:
1. Whether costs or stands to me and husband to be surveyed and at genetics?
2. How to us to enter developed not a simple situation?
3. gidrotsefalija-hereditary disease or not?
In advance I thank for your answer.

The anonym
28.05.2004, 02:40
Similar, on you there is a program of a level of a patrimonial damnation. Come on http: // larina. by. ru/

28.05.2004, 10:17
Larin, zadolbali you patrimonial prokljatjami! Go, guess in buffoonery!!!!!

Kuznetsova E.A.
29.05.2004, 16:26
Yes, to you have correctly responded. The hydrocephalus of your daughter - result of an adverse combination of external and internal factors, but such situation repeats extremely seldom. But to genetics, it is necessary to approach or suit to specify risk of interaction of negative factors.