Просмотр полной версии : Dear genetics! I believe, that gde-that you already answered this question, but...

28.05.2004, 21:57
Dear genetics! I believe, that gde-that you already answered this question, but I have not found. The birth of the child with chromosomal disturbances (illness or disease dauna) if mother - 19 20 years, the father - 32 years, in a sort anything such at anybody was not is how much probable. But very much I worry. Radiation of a computer can or something like that to affect or influence it? Thanks for the answer to the future mummy (11 week) in a nervous attack...

Talanova E.J.
29.05.2004, 10:31
Dear Anita! Vo-the first, future mummy needs "to fasten" with nervous attacks! Vo-the second, the difference in the age of between spouses does not influence frequency of occurrence of a syndrome of the Down (no less than radiation of a computer). To exclude ALL evil thoughts (often happens at mummies), let mummy will make detailed US, and on term with 16 on 20 ak. Week (it is better - on 17 19) will make analyses on serumal markers (AFP, HGCH and over a theelol) and more time of US.