Просмотр полной версии : According to US the cerebellum is developed for 27 weeks, and physical development of 25 weeks...

26.05.2004, 10:37
According to US the cerebellum is developed for 27 weeks, and physical development of 25 weeks. On UZDG the parameter izhodjashchego a blood flow from a placenta is peer 0, 69, the others 0, 62. is diagnosed the Delay of fetal development of 1 degree. Feto-a placental failure . What is it all means, why so it has turned out and whether it is possible for something to correct in a day time hospital?

29.05.2004, 10:23
The fetoplacental failure means that your placenta does not consult with the problems or tasks (delivery of oxygen and a delivery to the kid) and tests a greater or big load (for certain she utolshchena - should tell or say on US). It is a lot of reasons, for example: an infection, problems with a blood, pressure, smoking, non-observance of a diet and a regimen, and tokzhe the raised or increased tonus of a uterus, t. e. Threat. Your term allows all this to cure, do not experience. The doctor should define or determine reason FPN and appoint or nominate treatment. To me appointed or nominated such preparations, as Rovamycinum (an antibiotic what to exclude an infection), aktovegin (for a delivery of the kid), instenon (for improvement of a circulation), Trentalum, Riboxinum, ginipral (for putting off or taking out of a tonus). Be not upset, the given problem demands serious treatment, but all is reperable. I have cured FPN on your term and that's all right! Success!