Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. I have addressed to the doctor in occasion of disturbance of a cycle. Gde-t...

27.05.2004, 09:05
Hello the doctor. I have addressed to the doctor in occasion of disturbance of a cycle. Gde-that in the middle of a cycle of US has shown the sizes folikula - 27 mm. On sledujshchy a cycle I did or made US every week and till now (20 day of a cycle) the doctor cannot find at me an ootid. She speaks, that the ootid yet has not ripened and that such happens. The doctor, tell or say please what is it such, whether can be such in norm or rate? Thanks, Ilona.

popenko. Century
28.05.2004, 19:35
In norm or rate there are anovulatory cycles.

Kamenetskij B.A.
29.05.2004, 07:10
Ilona! At the woman be valid the anovulatory cycles, accompanied disturbance of its or his duration, however can if these disturbances repeat during several cycles is demands specification of the reasons of disturbance and carrying out of corresponding or meeting treatment (as a rule this application of hormonal preparations)