Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At my husband the lowered activity of spermatozoons, and...

21.05.2004, 07:05
Hello, the doctor! At my husband the lowered activity of spermatozoons, and their quantity or amount too below norm or rate. Kogda-that in the childhood he has transferred or carried "epidemic parotitis". Has read through, what is it disease at boys can become the reason of sterility or barrenness in the future. Whether so it? Whether there could be its or his children's illness or disease the reason of our today's problems? And if yes, there should be any features in treatment in such cases? Thanks

Kuharkin S.A.
22.05.2004, 10:15
Epidemic parotitis in detsve transfer or carry practically all. She is dangerous at teenage age and is more senior. Therefore I would not began to connect or bind prenesennyj a parotitis with sterility or barrenness. In conference androlog is available standard algritm inspections at depression pokazatelj spermogrammy. Use it or him. It is a fast way to that to learn or find out the reason of depression of a fecundity and consequently and to cure your husband.

25.05.2004, 07:00
At us similar problemma. The husband in the age of 15 years has had been ill with epidemic parotitis, 8 years, at once are married almost as have got married there was a pregnancy, reached 6 months (unfortunately). Further while results are not present, but we spirit do not fall. If there is a desire write the e-mail.
Success to you. Let the God will send you of the baby.

Kuharkin S.A.
29.05.2004, 04:17
15 years are already more complex or difficult forecast of genesial health. Though considering, that bermennost already was, I would not begin to connect or bind unequivocally possible or probable problems with epidemic parotitis only.