Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors, help or assist please!!! On May, 1st have made cleaning on term 1...

28.05.2004, 06:30
Dear doctors, help or assist please!!!
On May, 1st have made cleaning on term of 12 weeks beremennosti-8 weeks which have stood on term (elements of a fetal egg with attributes of an autolysis are removed).
Antibiotics and nyxes chloride have treated.
From June, 5 till June, 12th were monthly, on June, 21st it is made by US: the Uterus in correct position, razm. 48* 33* 38. A contour equal. Eho-the structure or frame of a myometrium is homogeneous. Endometry thickness 5. The right ovary razm. 31* 21, in itself two liquid educations razm. 5 and 8 mm in diameter. The left ovary razm. 30* 14, in itself individual liquid educations up to 3 mm in diameter. A bladder without visible ehostrukturnyh changes. Zakl: the Hypoplasia of a uterus of 1 degree.
The following monthly send or have come a week earlier 27 on July, 4th.
Results of analyses: toxo IgG-otrits., toxo IgM-otrits., CMV IgG-2, 0 ME, CMV IgM-otrits., Herpis (IgG-polozh., IgM-otrits); Chlamydia (IgG-otrits., IgA-otrits); Trichomonases, gardnerelly, a ureaplasma, microplasma - are not found.
Result of a blood on immun. The status: JgA-1, 45 (norm or rate 0, 95 3, 7), LgM - 3, 75 (norm or rate 0, 7 1, 6), LgG-13, 2 (norm or rate 6, 4 18, 8).
T-lymphs. (E-FATE) - 68 % (norm or rate 54 75), TFR T-lymphs.-62 % (norm or rate 39 63), TFCH T-lymphs. - 3 % (norm or rate 5 20), V-lymphs. (M-FATE) - 11 % (norm or rate 4, 5 11, 5), Fagotsitoz-65 %.
Has followed policy Imunofan 10 v/m in 2 days.
Course of treatment of a hypoplasia: c 5 for 25 day of a cycle - mikrofolin-forte 1 tab in day, with 16 for 25 day - Turinalum 1 tab in day, vitamins Pregnavit, and + every day all over again 25 minutes paraffin on a bottom of a stomach or belly, then at once on gynecologic massage of 20 minutes. A course of massages of 25 times. Gormanalno-cyclic therapy - 3 months, the second month has now gone. Then US the control.
Has handed over the analysis on TTG, 4-I look forward to hearing, suspicions on Dif. A struma.
The doctor has told or said, that during pregnancy will appoint or nominate instead of Turinalum - Djufaston.
There were monthly 6 days strongly bloody, earlier basically was korich. Botched work.

That you will advise to do or make and analyses when it is possible - for yours to plan pregnancy (cleaning are how much bad was on May, 1st). You rez-you immun Also could not explain the status.
Help or Assist, that to me to do or make still what to avoid repetition stood!!!!
Zaranie it is grateful.

Maljarskaja M.M.
28.05.2004, 20:51
Very well, except for the raised or increased level of the general or common IgM, but chlamydias are guilty of it or this a toxoplasmosis, neither grepes, nor TSMV. That else could be - a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma or is simple viruses of type of a virus of a flu and others, even less appreciable in an organism. The REST that's all right. Change of character of a menses - iz-for such intensive thermal treatments. Hand over once again the general or common IgM, IgG if that's all right, become pregnant on health.