Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me greater or big erosion shejki uteruses. First I did or made 3 protsedu...

27.05.2004, 22:35
Hello. At me greater or big erosion shejki uteruses. First I did or made 3 procedures solkovaginom - have helped or assisted for a while. Have then found out a mycoplasmosis and papilomu. It was treated viferonom, ofloksinom, makmirorom, atsiklovir in tab. Has cured only a mycoplasmosis. Now at me papiloma and a bacterial vaginosis. Whence he has undertaken and how it is possible to cure them effectively? Thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
28.05.2004, 14:40
Dear Elena. The overwhelming majority of infections of genitals or genitalias is passed sexual by. Treatment depends on a clinical situation, in absentia unfortunately treatments to appoint or nominate it is impossible.