Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna! Thanks for your answer in occasion of the comment tsitom...

26.05.2004, 11:45
Dear Alla Mihajlovna! Thanks for your answer in occasion of the comment tsitomorflogicheskogo researches. The matter is that 2 months ago to me did or made RDV - can be so, what the epithelium of the cervical channel eshe was not restored completely therefore and imeetsja such result? (an epithelium: tserv. kan. - epitelitsity in a safe status, a part with attributes of a dystrophia and a degeneration, individual cells reaktivno-proliferativno are changed; your conclusion - erozirovannyj an ectropion or a chronic endocervicitis). On ZPPP it was checked - nothing is revealed. Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.05.2004, 12:45
I do not exclude such opportunity. I recommend to repeat the cytologic smear in two months, at revealing a pathology to make a biopsy.