Просмотр полной версии : How to treat a thrush, isprobyvala everything, after a while begins vs...

25.05.2004, 06:27
How to treat a thrush, isprobyvala everything, all after a while begins snachalo

26.05.2004, 19:25
Yes, all medicines are usually appointed or nominated give or allow temporary effect. Familiar history. Once, nachitavshis advertising, I have tried or tasted KANDIBENE. - there only 3 tablets vulval or vaginal, (in difference from others, where at least 10)... And a convenient applicator for introduction (it has pleased me, t. To. I do not like to climb "there" fingers). And so - for these or it at me all has passed or has taken place 3 days - and here already 2 I at all do not recollect year a thrush!!!!! I hope to you will help or assist as well as to me.:))