Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! Many thanks for fast your answers. Perhaps...

22.05.2004, 20:34
Dear Tatyana Borisovna! Many thanks for fast your answers. Please, prompt, what to me to do or make? To me 32 years, 8 years ago were abortion, sorts or labors were not. Has now passed or has now taken place 2 j a cycle after 3 months priemadiane-35 (the doctor appointed or nominated for faster opportunity zaberemenit). During 2 h cycles the basal temperature changed 36.4 36.7 (likely ovulations were not). Monthly were in the first cycle after a cancelling to Diana in 35 days, today 1 j day after the second cycle send or have come for 30 day. (always there was an irregular cycle of 28 36 days). Whether there are preparations for a call of a fast ovulation (we with the husband as soon as possible want zaberemenit) and what or full inspection and treatment for the long period is necessary?

Malanova T.B.
26.05.2004, 18:21
Yes, medicamental stimulation of an ovulation is spent. The plan of inspection is made on reception.