Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Tell or say please, at delivery of the analysis of a blood has come to light povy...

25.05.2004, 08:14
The dear doctor! Tell or say please, at delivery of the analysis of a blood the raised or increased level of Prolactinum (the complaint to a long menses) has come to light. The treating gynecologist nahnachil preparation Merselon. Whether It is possible garmonalnyj to replace this a preparation with something another? In what additional way it is possible to normalize action of Prolactinum. In advance I thank.

25.05.2004, 12:29
To stabilize Prolactinum it is possible Parlodelum, but the doctor should appoint or nominate it.

Irtuganov N.S.
26.05.2004, 09:04
, long reception of Parlodelum under observation endokrinologa-the gynecologist is necessary