Просмотр полной версии : Hello, tell or say., whether there are at present data about that...

The anonym
21.05.2004, 02:41
Hello, tell or say., whether there are at present data how long reception of contraceptive tablets Tri-Regol will affect or influence a state of health? To Me 24, tablets I accept about 5 years, besides not only iz-for contraceptive effect, but also in the "medical" purposes - everyone monthly before acceptance of tablets were very excruciating (6 hours per day of the beginning monthly in lezhku with a constant vomiting, but in 6 hours that is surprising, practically all came to norm or rate and even appetite came back) - to the gynecologist about it or this spoke and not to one, have told or said, that at me all vporjadke.
In couple of years of acceptance of tablets has decided to make a break, but, once pomuchivshis, has decided to continue them to drink, besides in Mersilajn to me have responded, that they can be drunk so much, how much it is necessary, while I shall not decide to have the child that is not desirable for me still couple of years.
Your advice or council?
And concerning a morbid menses... I had an erosion shejki uteruses, which prizhgli Solkovaginom - now all vporjadke. A question: whether it could affect or influence morbidity of a menses?

Malanova T.B.
24.05.2004, 14:00
1. Continuous reception OK so longly is undesirable. 2. A status shejki uteruses and a morbid menses are not connected.

26.05.2004, 07:39
Question on the answer 1: why? There Are any data?