Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! On 6 oh day of a cycle has torn a condom, with a view of emergency to...

25.05.2004, 22:45
Good afternoon! On 6 oh day of a cycle has torn a condom, with a view of emergency contraception has accepted Silest (3 and in 12 hours 3 more), in 4 days have begun allocation (on monthly are not similar), dark, almost brown and weak. It and is necessary, t. To. Have told or said, that monthly should be during 3 h weeks. Whether Mtoit to me to worry? Whether it is necessary to be checked on pregnancy?

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.05.2004, 04:52
No, it is possible to not worry, tk described - normal reaction to a high dose of hormones